Monday, July 10, 2017



                   I would like to thank the following people who have helped
                   me in many different ways in the research for and production
of this thesis (in order to avoid creating a fight - I hate violence - I have placed the names alphabetically): 

Carol Adams, Piers Beirne, Paul Bradley, Mary Brady, Brenda Clare, Kim Cook, Julie Davies, Howard Davis, Graham Day, Lee Hall, Shirley Harris, Neil James, Don  Jenkings, Miho Kaneko, Chris Kelly, Alexandra Plows, Paddy Rawlinson, David Robinson, Alex Stewart, Sharon Stewart, Merlin Tomkins, Sian Weldon, Lynne Yates, Ms. Harriet Yates, and Carole Zdesar.

I would like especially to thank Dr. Chris Powell for all the usual things one thanks a well-qualified Ph.D supervisor for – including being patient and not laughing (outloud) at my ideas.

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